Monday, August 22, 2005

Medical College of Georgia Class Notes

Okay, another new page (well, sub-site, really). Since I am a Ph.D. student at the Medical College of Georgia, I figured I could kill two birds with one stone and publish my notes from class lectures on my site. I figure that, besides attracting Google hits, putting all my personal class notes online as they happen should be a good study mechanism. I can't guarantee I'll put everything up, but I'd sure like to.

This semester, I'm taking Responsible Conduct of Research (SGS 8011), Scientific Communication (SGS 8012), Biochemistry (SGS 8021) Molecular Cell Biology (SGS 8022), Introduction to Faculty Research (SGS 8040), and Introduction to Research I (SGS 8050). Not all of them have notes (or a good deal of notes, anyway), but whatever I write down, I'll try to put up. I imagine it'll be a help for other students, both graduate and undergraduate, as well as people just trying to find out miscellaneous bits of information (which may be contained in the notes, if you're lucky *grin*).

Medical College of Georgia Biomedical Sciences Class Notes


At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wonderful opportunity to learn all that the Lord wants you to know so that you can serve Him better. As a retired member of the faculty of Fort Wayne Bible College, now Taylor U., Fort Wayne, I know that though temptations during college are great, Christ is more powerful. The issues facing America and the world are great. Your voice can help others find the way to Christ as you are faithful in your devotions and get connected to a good Christian group on campus such as Campus Crusade or InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. DearolDad. See my blogspot at Pix and Pebbles.


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